New WHO Guidelines to Help Millions Quit Tobacco

No Smooking Sign

WHO Releases First-Ever Tobacco Cessation Guidelines

The UN World Health Organization (WHO) has introduced its first comprehensive guidelines to aid over 750 million adults in quitting tobacco. These guidelines cover a range of treatments, initiatives, and digital interventions designed to help people stop using cigarettes, waterpipes, smokeless tobacco, cigars, roll-your-own tobacco, and heated tobacco products.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus heralded this as a significant milestone in the global fight against tobacco, providing countries with essential tools to support individuals in quitting and reducing the global burden of tobacco-related diseases.

Challenges in Quitting Tobacco

Despite 60% of the world’s 1.25 billion tobacco users wanting to quit, many lack access to necessary services due to resource limitations. Rüdiger Krech, Director of Health Promotion at WHO, emphasized the immense strength required to overcome tobacco addiction and the suffering involved for individuals and their families. He noted that the guidelines are designed to help communities and governments provide the best possible support and assistance for those on this challenging journey.

Treatment Options

WHO’s guidelines recommend a combination of pharmacotherapy and behavioral interventions to increase the chances of successfully quitting. Recommended treatments include medications such as varenicline, Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), bupropion, and cytisine. Behavioral support options range from brief counseling sessions with healthcare workers to more intensive individual, group, or phone counseling sessions.

Additionally, WHO suggests using digital interventions such as text messaging, smartphone apps, and internet programs as valuable adjuncts or self-management tools to aid in the quitting process.

Global Implementation and Support

WHO encourages countries to offer these treatments at no or reduced cost to improve accessibility, especially in low- and middle-income countries. The organization also highlights the importance of integrating these guidelines into national health systems to ensure widespread availability and support for those seeking to quit tobacco.

Dr. Tedros highlighted the need for a comprehensive approach, stating, “This guideline marks a crucial milestone in our global battle against these dangerous products. It empowers countries with the essential tools to effectively support individuals in quitting tobacco and alleviate the global burden of tobacco-related diseases.”

Digital Interventions and Broader Impact

The guidelines also emphasize the potential of digital interventions to reach a broader audience. With the increasing use of technology, digital tools such as text messaging, smartphone applications, and online programs offer innovative ways to support individuals in their journey to quit tobacco. These tools can provide continuous support, motivation, and resources, making it easier for individuals to manage their quitting process and stay on track.

For more details, visit the original article.

World News in Brief: UN Responds to Bangladesh Floods, Sports and Human Rights, Polio Vaccination in Angola


UN Provides Aid to Bangladesh Flood Victims

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) is delivering vital assistance to communities in northeast Bangladesh affected by severe flooding. Around 1.4 million people have been impacted by heavy rains in Sylhet and Sunamganj districts, as well as areas upstream in India. The WFP’s field office in Sylhet supports government-led relief efforts, distributing fortified biscuits to over 23,000 families. Cash assistance is planned for these and an additional 48,000 households. Further heavy rains are forecast, potentially worsening the situation.

Human Rights in Sports

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, addressed the UN Human Rights Council, highlighting the human rights challenges in the sports world. Despite ideals of equality, athletes face rights violations, including racism, sexism, abuse, and corruption. Türk emphasized that mega sporting events, like the Olympics and the World Cup, should advocate against these inequalities. He noted positive steps by some businesses aligning with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, citing a case in Spain where football fans were punished for racially abusing a player.

Polio Vaccination Campaign in Angola

UN agencies are supporting Angola’s vaccination campaign to curb the spread of polio. Polio, a highly infectious disease causing paralysis, can be prevented through vaccination. The World Health Organization (WHO) aims to achieve 95% vaccination coverage for children under five. The campaign includes house-to-house visits and fixed posts in populated areas. The first round in May 2024 successfully vaccinated over 5.5 million children. The second round continues with the same strategy to ensure all at-risk children are protected.

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400 Million Under-Fives Regularly Experience Violent Discipline at Home

under-fives regularly experience violent discipline at home

On 11 June 2024, UNICEF released alarming data revealing that six in ten children under five face psychological aggression or physical punishment at home. Nearly 400 million young children are affected, with 330 million experiencing physical punishment. UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell highlighted the detrimental impact of such abuse on children’s development.

The data, released on the first International Day of Play (IDOP), underscores the lack of play, stimulation, and interaction that many children face. UNICEF calls for stronger legal protections, increased investment in parenting programs, and enhanced play spaces to support child development.

Despite growing prohibitions against physical punishment, about half a billion under-fives lack adequate legal protection. Harmful social norms continue to perpetuate violent discipline, with one in four caregivers believing physical punishment is necessary. Additionally, four in ten children aged two to four do not receive sufficient stimulation at home, leading to emotional neglect and potential long-term issues.

The IDOP highlights the vital role of play in cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. It also addresses barriers to play, such as disabilities, gender discrimination, conflict, and learning poverty. UNICEF urges governments to strengthen legal and policy frameworks, expand parenting programs, and increase access to play spaces.

“On the first International Day of Play, we must unite to end violence against children and promote positive, nurturing caregiving,” said Russell.

For more details, visit the original article.

Syria: Security Council Highlights Escalating Crisis and Civilian Suffering

Najat Rochdi, UN Deputy Special Envoy for Syria, addressed the Security Council, highlighting the dire need for political solutions to resolve Syria’s escalating crisis. Rochdi described the security situation as violent and tense, with civilians living in fear due to recent airstrikes and increased ISIL attacks. Women activists face growing threats, and violence against women and girls is on the rise. She stressed that implementing resolution 2254 is crucial for sustainable solutions.

The humanitarian situation is deteriorating sharply, with millions needing unrestricted aid access. Over 174,000 Syrians were displaced last year, adding to the 7.2 million internally displaced and 6.4 million refugees. Rochdi called for intensified efforts to ensure safe and voluntary refugee returns.

Ramesh Rajasingham, Coordination Director of OCHA, reported that over half of Syria’s population faces acute food insecurity, with severe malnutrition affecting children. The UN humanitarian appeal is severely underfunded, risking further suffering. Despite these challenges, the UN and its partners have provided aid to 2.7 million people monthly, but more resources are needed to continue critical assistance.

For more details, visit the original article.

UN World Oceans Day Highlights Urgent Need for Marine Protection

7 June 2024 – Climate and Environment

UN World Oceans Day was celebrated on Friday at the UN Headquarters in New York, focusing on “opening minds, igniting senses, and inspiring possibilities” to safeguard marine life globally. The event featured a compelling video themed “awaken new depths,” which underscored the urgent need for immediate ocean protection and cautioned against complacency.

In a statement marking the day, which officially falls on Saturday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres emphasized the crucial role the ocean plays in sustaining life on Earth, highlighting that the problems it faces are primarily man-made. Guterres pointed out that climate change is causing sea levels to rise, posing an existential threat to small island developing states and coastal populations. He also noted that ocean acidification is destroying coral reefs, and record-high sea temperatures are leading to extreme weather events. Additionally, overfishing and other harmful practices are contributing to the degradation of marine ecosystems.

President of the General Assembly, Dennis Francis, echoed these concerns, stressing the need to learn more about the oceans and to reverse the damage being inflicted on this vital resource. Francis remarked that the ocean is humanity’s strongest ally against climate change and emphasized the collective responsibility to manage ocean resources sustainably to ensure their availability for future generations.

Both Guterres and Francis are looking forward to reflections and actions to restore and protect the oceans as the Summit of the Future in September 2024 and next year’s UN Oceans Conference approach.

Earlier in the week, UNESCO released a State of the Ocean report, urging policymakers to consider “the ocean we need for the future we want.” The report highlighted threats such as the doubling rate of ocean warming over the past 20 years and the decreasing oxygen levels suffocating coastal species. It concluded that ocean literacy is a strategic ally in optimizing resources, accelerating behavioral change, and enhancing the implementation of conservation programs and sustainability practices.

Marine biologist and oceanographer Sylvia Earle, one of the speakers at the event, emphasized the importance of sharing the significance of ocean protection to drive crucial actions for preserving coastal wildlife. Guterres called on governments, businesses, investors, scientists, and communities to unite in defense of the ocean, while Francis urged a renewed commitment to ocean action, capacity building in small island developing states and other developing countries, and innovative financing solutions to enhance resilience.

For more detailed information, you can visit the UN News website

UN Chief Stresses Fair Trade for Developing Nations Amid Rising Debt

12 June 2024 – Economic Development

The right to development is closely linked with fair trade, a necessity for the world’s poorest countries, currently “mired in debt” through no fault of their own, UN Secretary-General António Guterres asserted on Wednesday. In a speech marking the 60th anniversary of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Guterres highlighted the multiple challenges that hinder the creation of a more sustainable and inclusive global economy.

Guterres emphasized that these countries must pursue development through equitable trade terms, as they are burdened by escalating debt, exacerbated by both ongoing and new conflicts that ripple across the global economy. This has led to increased global debt levels, while key development indicators, such as poverty and hunger, have regressed.

During his address at the UN Trade and Development Global Leaders Forum in Switzerland, Guterres reiterated that the current international financial architecture is outdated, dysfunctional, and unjust. He noted that it has failed to protect developing countries from debt crises and warned that the international trading system is on the brink of fragmentation due to escalating pressures and geopolitical tensions.

Highlighting the role of UNCTAD, Guterres argued that the agency’s work is more relevant than ever in promoting a sustainable and inclusive global economy through trade and investment. He invoked Raul Prebisch, UNCTAD’s first Secretary-General, asserting that the agency cannot remain neutral on development issues, just as the World Health Organization cannot be neutral on diseases like malaria.

Guterres described trade as a “double-edged sword”—a source of both prosperity and inequality, interconnection and dependence, economic innovation and environmental degradation. He called for increased dialogue between nations to address the near-tripling of trade barriers since 2019, many of which are driven by geopolitical rivalry without consideration for their impact on developing countries.

Stressing the importance of a unified global market, Guterres warned against the division into rival blocs. He emphasized that achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ensuring peace and security requires one global market and economy, where poverty and hunger have no place.

for more information visit The UN news

SIDS go forward with ‘new sense of hope, solidarity and determination’

Antigua and Barbuda, May 31, 2024
The Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) concluded with a strong message of hope and optimism despite the significant challenges faced by these nations. Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, emphasized the progress and future vision encapsulated in the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda (ABAS).

A Unified Vision for Resilient Prosperity
Over 4,000 participants, including more than 20 world leaders and senior ministers from over 100 nations, gathered at the American University of Antigua. The conference brought together a diverse array of stakeholders from the private sector, civil society, academia, and youth to address critical issues threatening the survival of the 39 SIDS in the face of climate change and other global shocks.

The ABAS outlines a ten-year plan aimed at achieving resilient prosperity. This plan focuses on sustainable development, ensuring access to food, energy, and water, and promoting health, productivity, and security. It also emphasizes protecting biodiversity and conserving ocean resources through strong climate action to mitigate temperature rise and sea level increases.

UN News/Matt Wells Wide view at the closing of the Fourth International Conference on Small Island States (SIDS4) in Antigua and Barbuda.

Financial and Structural Support
Key elements of the ABAS include calls for substantial new financing and the establishment of a debt sustainability support service. These measures are crucial to addressing the high-interest debt burdens that many SIDS face. The new Centre of Excellence for SIDS, based in Antigua and Barbuda, will play a pivotal role in fostering private sector engagement and generating innovative solutions.

A Collective Commitment
Ms. Mohammed highlighted the necessity of robust and effective partnerships to implement the ABAS successfully. She underscored the importance of monitoring and evaluation to maintain the credibility of multilateral efforts, particularly halfway through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) timeline.

The UN, through its Resident Coordinators and Country Teams, will work closely with all partners to achieve the goals set out in the ABAS, supporting digital, green, and blue transformations.

Health and Human Capital
Health was a key focus on the final day, with discussions emphasizing the fragility of health systems in many small island states. Patrice Gumbs, Minister Plenipotentiary from Sint Maarten, stressed that investing in human capital, particularly in health, education, and youth empowerment, is vital for survival and growth. Innovative healthcare solutions such as tele-medicine and mobile health teams were highlighted as essential strategies.

Jose Ulisses Correia e Silva, Prime Minister of Cabo Verde, echoed these sentiments, advocating for investments in quality education, healthcare, and job creation for young people. Cindy McCain, Executive Director of the World Food Programme, reinforced that strengthening human capital is fundamental to sustainable development.

Looking Ahead
As the conference drew to a close, Prime Minister Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda noted that while significant progress has been made, the real work is just beginning. He called for continued commitment to multistakeholder partnerships, innovation, and inclusivity to overcome the unique challenges faced by SIDS.

The SIDS4 conference marks the start of a new journey, guided by the ABAS towards resilient prosperity by 2030. The international community’s collective efforts and commitments will be crucial in turning this vision into reality.


Japan: Safeguarding a Mother Tongue and Mother Nature

Okinoerabu Island – On this small island of just 12,000 residents, a family has embarked on a mission that intertwines the preservation of their indigenous language with environmental conservation, garnering international recognition in the process.

Reviving a Language
Nami and Tomoyuki Sao, both born on Okinoerabu Island, had not mastered Shimamuni, a local variety of the Kunigami language, during their childhoods. This linguistic heritage is now classified as “definitely endangered” by UNESCO. Concerned by this, the Sao family decided to take action, intertwining the preservation of their mother tongue with a range of community activities.

Sao Family | Residents of Okinoerabu Island collect rubbish on a beach.

A Family’s Commitment
The Sao family, including their four children, initiated beach clean-ups while engaging in Shimamuni language activities. Their efforts extended to cooking traditional dishes, offering haircuts to nursing home residents, and participating in arts and crafts. These activities were part of a broader mission to foster eco-conscious Shimamuni speakers, ensuring the language’s survival through community engagement.

Impacting Environmental Awareness
Utilizing the Shimamuni language has not only helped transmit local knowledge to younger generations but also improved communication about environmental issues with elderly islanders. This has been crucial in addressing misconceptions about marine litter, emphasizing the need for proactive waste management.

UNESCO/Santibhap Ussavasodhi | The Sao family

Global Recognition
The Sao family’s efforts culminated in their presentation at the seventh International Conference on Language and Education in Bangkok, Thailand, co-hosted by UNESCO. Their story resonated with over 450 language experts and participants, highlighting the critical role of linguistic diversity in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the local level.

A Vision for the Future
Tomoyuki Sao emphasizes the importance of real-life experiences over formal education for his children, aiming to empower them to make a difference. His wife, Nami, shares this vision, hoping their children will carry their language and culture with them, regardless of where they live.

As the world grapples with environmental challenges and the erosion of linguistic diversity, the Sao family’s initiative stands as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that safeguarding cultural heritage can drive sustainable development and community resilience.

Reference Here

Droughts and floods threaten ‘humanitarian catastrophe’ across southern Africa

Droughts and floods threaten ‘humanitarian catastrophe’ across southern Africa

Droughts and floods have wreaked havoc across southern Africa, threatening a humanitarian catastrophe. The harsh weather has decimated harvests in regions where 70 percent of the population relies on agriculture for their livelihood.

Executive Director McCain described the situation as both alarming and heartbreaking. “I met farmers who usually grow enough to feed their families and communities. This year, they harvested nothing. Now imagine this scenario affecting millions of people throughout Southern Africa; it’s a humanitarian catastrophe,” she said.

Impact of El Niño

The recent El Niño weather pattern, though nearing its end, has caused severe droughts with lasting impacts. February saw the driest conditions in decades, leading to a 20 percent reduction in essential rainfall for crops.

The hardest-hit countries—Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi—have all declared states of drought disaster, facing substantial crop losses with 40 to 80 percent of their maize harvests destroyed.

Call for Immediate Action

Acknowledging the 61 million people affected by El Niño, the Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) have launched a $5.5 billion humanitarian appeal. This appeal is meant to supplement the internal resources of the affected nations.

McCain has urged the international community to provide immediate support. “We can’t ask millions to wait for the next harvest season—a year from now—to put food on their tables. These families need our support today as we work towards building a more resilient future,” she emphasized.

Funding Needs and Efforts

The World Food Programme (WFP) has been active in responding to the crisis but still requires $409 million to provide six months of aid to 4.8 million people in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The WFP has collaborated with governments and partners to prepare communities for climate disasters. This includes unlocking over $14 million in anticipatory finance to assist over 1.2 million people affected by El Niño in August 2023.

Additionally, the WFP has supported communities in Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe by providing early warning alerts, anticipatory cash transfers, drought-resistant seeds, agricultural training, and improved water sources.

To further aid affected communities, the WFP plans to distribute approximately $10 million in insurance payouts to nearly 280,000 people over the next six months.

read the original news here



ICC seeking arrest warrants for Hamas leaders and Israel’s Netanyahu
In a statement, ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan said that there were reasonable grounds to believe that Hamas’s Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Diab Ibrahim Al-Masri (Deif) and Ismail Haniyeh “bear criminal responsibility” for murder, extermination and taking hostages – among numerous other crimes – since the Gaza conflict erupted in the wake of Hamas-led attacks in southern Israel on 7 October.

There are also reasonable grounds to believe that Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant, Israeli Minister of Defence, are responsible for other crimes and crimes against humanity “committed on the territory of the State of Palestine”.

Starvation tactic alleged
These include “starvation of civilians as a method of warfare as a war crime…intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population [and] extermination and/or murder”.

Although the ICC is not a UN organisation, it has an agreement of cooperation with the United Nations. And when a situation is not within the court’s jurisdiction, the UN Security Council can refer the situation to the ICC, granting it jurisdiction.

To complement the allegations, Prosecutor Khan, a British national born in Edinburgh, noted that his Office had interviewed victims and survivors of the 7 October Hamas-led terror attacks in Israel.

This included former hostages and eyewitnesses “from six major attack locations: Kfar Aza, Holit, the venue of the Supernova Music Festival, Be’eri; Nir Oz and Nahal Oz”.

‘Unfathomable pain’
“It is the view of my Office that these individuals planned and instigated the commission of crimes on 7 October 2023 and have through their own actions, including personal visits to hostages shortly after their kidnapping, acknowledged their responsibility for those crimes,” Prosecutor Khan said.

“Speaking with survivors, I heard how the love within a family, the deepest bonds between a parent and a child, were contorted to inflict unfathomable pain through calculated cruelty and extreme callousness. These acts demand accountability,” he added.

Turning to the hostages still believed to be held in Gaza, the ICC official noted that his Office had interviewed victims and survivors and that this information along with other sources indicated that they had been kept in inhumane conditions with some subjected to sexual violence, including rape.

Survivors’ courage
“I wish to express my gratitude to the survivors and the families of victims of the 7 October attacks for their courage in coming forward to provide their accounts to my Office,” Prosecutor Khan said. “We remain focused on further deepening our investigations of all crimes committed as part of these attacks and will continue to work with all partners to ensure that justice is delivered.”

On the issue of the liability of the top Israeli officials Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Gallant, the ICC Prosecutor alleged “starvation as a method of war”.

This and other crimes against humanity were allegedly committed “as part of a widespread and systematic attack against the Palestinian civilian population pursuant to State policy”.

To reinforce the allegations, Mr. Khan cited “interviews with survivors and eyewitnesses, authenticated video, photo and audio material, satellite imagery and statements” which showed “that Israel has intentionally and systematically deprived the civilian population in all parts of Gaza of objects indispensable to human survival”.

Aid siege
Detailing the impact of “total siege” imposed by Israel on Gaza after 8 October 2023, the ICC request to judges explained that this involved “completely closing” the three border crossing points – Rafah, Kerem Shalom in the south and Erez in the north – “for extended periods and then by arbitrarily restricting the transfer of essential supplies – including food and medicine – through the border crossings after they were re-opened”.

Among other deprivations, the Israeli siege also cut off water and electricity pipelines to Gaza, the ICC Prosecutor continued, noting that Gazans also faced physical attacks when queuing for food while other “attacks on and killing of aid workers…forced many agencies to cease or limit their operations”.

The effects of this State policy were “acute, visible and widely known”, Mr. Khan said, noting the UN Secretary-General’s warning some two months ago that “1.1 million people in Gaza are facing catastrophic hunger – the highest number of people ever recorded anywhere, anytime” as a result of an “entirely man-made disaster”.

Gravest offences
Although Israel has the right to defend itself under international law, Mr. Khan insisted that “intentionally causing death, starvation, great suffering” to civilians were clear breaches of the ICC’s foundational charter, signed in Rome in 2002. Israel is not a signatory to the Rome Statute while Palestine is.

“I have consistently emphasised that international humanitarian law demands that Israel take urgent action to immediately allow access to humanitarian aid in Gaza at scale. I specifically underlined that starvation as a method of war and the denial of humanitarian relief constitute Rome Statute offences.”

No one is above the law
In addition to the request to judges to issue warrants, the ICC statement noted that it was pursuing “multiple and interconnected additional lines of inquiry” into crimes committed since 7 October.

These include further allegations of sexual violence during the Hamas-led terror attacks and widespread bombardment in Gaza “that has caused and continues to cause so many civilian deaths, injuries and suffering”.

“Today, we once again underline that international law and the laws of armed conflict apply to all. No foot soldier, no commander, no civilian leader – no one – can act with impunity,” Mr. Khan said, while also highlighting his concern over escalating violence in the West Bank.

“Nothing can justify wilfully depriving human beings, including so many women and children, the basic necessities required for life. Nothing can justify the taking of hostages or the targeting of civilians.”

In a call to all parties in the Gaza conflict “to comply with the law now”, the ICC Prosecutor said his Office “will not hesitate to submit further applications for warrants of arrest if and when we consider that the threshold of a realistic prospect of conviction has been met”.

Unlike the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – which is the UN’s principal judicial organ for settling disputes between countries – the ICC tries individuals. The ICC is a permanent court based in The Hague, unlike temporary tribunals such as those set up to try grave crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda.

According to ICC documentation, the court’s policy is to focus on those who “bear the greatest responsibility for the crimes” committed. No one is exempt from prosecution and there is no exemption for heads of State of Government.

The decision over whether to issue arrest warrants will be taken by the Pre-Trial Chambers, which must also confirm the alleged charges.

One an arrest warrant is issued and if the alleged perpetrator is arrested on the charges sought by the Prosecutor, a Trial Chamber is then created, headed by three judges.

Once the trial has ended, the judges “may impose a sentence of imprisonment for a specified number of years not exceeding a maximum of thirty years or life imprisonment”, the ICC said.
